Sunday, October 21, 2007

Marching Band State Finals

This past weekend I went and watched my little brother perform in the RCA Dome one last time. Concord did an awesome job, as did all the other bands there. This year was a GREAT competition! It was fairly bittersweet though. My brothers and I combined have put 12 years into the CHS marching band.(we're definately a music family) I was so proud of him though. It was a great finish to all the work we've done. I am really sad though... because now if I go to the state finals... I REALLY am a band geek. At least when he was marching I had an excuse to go down and fulfill my needs to see 150 kids marching in sync to classic band music while waving around pretty flags. I suppose I'll still go now and then... even though I get made fun of. Haha!

Thats my little brother conducting! GO SPARKY!

This isn't my brother... I just like the picture.

Shout out to Northridge also! My cousin is the flutist in the middle of the photo.

When all was said and done Concord walked away with 3rd place. Not too shabby! Good job guys!

OK... one last time. GO SPARKY!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.

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