Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Meet K.B. ~ She's Graduating

I had such a fun time during this sitting. She plays the flute, and she takes riding lessons... two of my favorite things!

We started out on the golf course by her house then went to the barn where she takes riding lessons. How gorgeous is she!

It was so much fun being around all of the animals while we were there. This barn has BEAUTIFUL Morgan horses, a cute littel doggie, and LOTS of suuuuper cute kitties!

Isn't this the most adorable thing you've ever seen?

This girl did so great... she braved her fear of spiders and heights for the next few shots...


When we went upstairs for the last few shots we found the CUTEST little bitty baby kittens. The were just tiny little furballs. We had such a great time at the barn. After we left we headed off to downtown to finish up the session. Even after we spent all that time with dusty horses she still looked great!

"I'm a model... and I do my little turn on the catwalk!"

It was so nice going home and seeing my family for a day or so... but I had even more fun with this sitting! She is a pretty girl so that definately made my job easy. She was probably one of the most natural posers I've ever shot. I thoroughly enjoyed going out to a horse barn and seeing all the animals. I want one of those baby kitties! Hope everyone is doing well!

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©P Brynne Photography