Sunday, February 24, 2008

Kadi & Rob

Can you say BEAUTIFUL?!?! I know Kadi through work, she and her husband Rob are both students. They're already married but we decided that they could use some new pictures! I'm sure glad because they are a STUNNING couple! Hope you like them guys!

I felt bad for Rob during this shoot, Kadi and I basically dragged him into it! Sorry Rob! He was such a trooper though, he even sat down in the snow and got his bootay wet!

When I was getting ready to take this next shot, Kadi gave me a "supermodel sexy" look. I said to Rob "Hey Rob, your wife is awesome at the sexy eye" Isn't she?

This is definately in my top 10 favorite shots i've EVER taken! I LOVE it!

This one also makes the list...

Kadi is so cute I could puke... haha!

We finished up the sitting in front of an antique shop Downtown. We found this awesome sled and figured we were due for a SUUUPER cheesy picture... here it is guys! The fun part about this picture... Kadi actually yelled when I took it! This could easily be the faces they'd be making on a sledding hill... instead of a sidewalk downtown. Haha!

And finally, my attempt at a Bobbi+Mike shot.

Hope you like them guys!!!

;-P Brynne


Anonymous said...

I ran across your blog through Bobbi & Mike's. These are such fun photos! I love the sled one...they seem like a truly fun loving couple.

P Brynne Photography said...

Thanks Maya!

©P Brynne Photography